Gorilla: Situational Awareness Forced Protection and Escape: Groundwork: Women’s only course:

Women’s Series: Bjj
The Ground: This workshop uses simple, effective and easy-to-learn techniques. These tactics do not reply on strength or size, but rather on knowledge and action. We will work to understand and develop skills from the most common of situations or scenarios of an aggressor / attack from standing to being taken to the ground. Learn tactics and skills to avoid being taken to the ground and what to do if you find yourself on the ground. Become aware of lines / types of attacks, unplugging techniques, joint locks, chokes, leverage and creating space. Tactics and skills from Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu. This is an Adult only course: sessions are 75min.Wednesdays evenings 7:15pm.- 8:30pm. Session 1: Wed. Sept.18thAnticipate and respond in the situation. Awareness/Defense Session 2: Wed. Sept. 25th Session 3: Wed. Oct. 2nd Reply for Sign-up and cost info Session 4: Wed. Oct. 9th GorillaCombat.com Session 5: Wed. Oct. 16th Lead by Britta Manning Session 6: Wed. Oct. 23rdGround Defense/Offense & Scenarios Session 7: Wed. Oct. 30th Gorilla Combat LLC- 7656 Washington Av So. Edina, MN 55439